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Self reflection is crucial. We all do it, just most of us don't ever let on that we do. It is essential for us all to grow, and become who we really are. Unfortunately in our lifetime there is something that is going to hold us back from taking life by the horns are going for whatever we want to do. There is something there hindering our way to being what we want to be. For some it may be not having enough time, money, looks, whatever, and for some it is actually other people. I will be focusing on the latter.
People. That's a broad statement, is it not? No, I don't mean that every single person out there is holding you back. It could be one person, a group of people, your own family... or even yourself. The first step is to look broadly. Open your mind into thinking about who or what it is, then narrow it down. There can be so many aspects to what it is about them that is holding you back. Is it what they might think of you? How they'll treat you? What they'll say about you? That they may copy you? Think about it, for a long time and really thoroughly.
It's no doubt that someone can hold you back in many ways, but what if it's in all of those? Should it stop you from doing something? NO. For example, if you're afraid about what someone will think about you, it's not for you to worry about. We as individuals cannot get into the mind of someone else and control it, as much as we want to plant that little seed in their brain. We as humans want everyone to thing positively of us, but we can't control what people think. Letting someone get to you gives that person the reigns to your mind and lets them be in control. Don't ever let them do this to you. These are merely thoughts. They may not end up feeling that way anyway.
What about how they'll treat you? Well that's another one of those things that is hypothetical. We don't know how someone will treat us until it happens. Scary thought, I know. If someone is to treat you poorly for being you, then you don't need that negativity in your life. It's ok to cut someone out of your life if they are constantly bringing you down. The people who truly care about you will be happy for you for whatever you decide to do in your life. Hold onto those people, they are truly precious.
Also, remember that people may surprise you, and support you 100%.
What they'll say about you? What they say about you really says a lot more about themselves. I've had this happen a lot, and it is one of the most painful circumstances because you can't be certain who all has been told negative things about you, or even been fed lies. It is so uncontrollable and painful, but remember that saying bad things back only adds fuel to the fiery flame. Keep your confidence and poise.
Now, here's the main one to me. They say that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", but I think this idea is overgeneralized. To me, there is a fine line between being inspired by someone, and downright copying them. Being inspired by someone goes a little something like this;
You see a painting. You reeeeaaally like this painting, and it inspires you to do something of the sort, but add your own creativity to it- maybe something that speaks to you or represents you. Usually, the original artists is mentioned that they were the inspiration behind it. It is not to "one up" the original artist, it is not to "make it better", it is simply because they were inspired. That, my friends is flattery.
Copying goes a little something like this;
You see a painting. You see how much attention it draws in. You replicate it, nearly verbatim, and pass it off as your own. You take all the compliments you receive as if it were your own work. No form of indication where the idea came from, and no acknowledgment to the original artist. Usually the person copying does this to draw attention to themselves, or they realize that they lack in creative abilities, so much so that they have to resort to stealing. This may be to "one up" or intentionally hurt the original artist, make themselves look better, or something that has to do with only them. This is copying and stealing.
See the difference? Not only does copying rip the person of their acknowledgement for their hard work, it also steals their happiness and pride in what they've made. What they've worked so hard to make, and possibly had to work up the courage to share to the world.
So, as the many of people who have had their ideas ripped from within them, you shut down. You begin to reevaluate everything that they have done prior. If someone replicated your work out of inspiration and truly meant it as that, well then it is different, and you feel honored. True artists know the difference, and how crippling stealing can be.
Stealing/copying isn't anything new. With social media now it is easier than ever to pass off someone else's work as your own . With platforms like Pinterest, for example, someone's idea can be put out into the world in an instant- never returning to the original owner. The person stealing the idea receives instant gratification. Those who are insecure LOVE this.
And that's the thing to remember. People who steal and copy are insecure of their own abilities. They see something in you, and something that you have and are envious. But remembering this alone won't help you. As an artist, continue to create your art, no matter what it may be. It is possible to be more exclusive, sure, but continue to share your gift with the world. Let your true art shine.
Referring back to the above picture, these people may try to bury you to build themselves up over you, but use that to continue to grow. Turn the negativity into fertilizer and create something bigger and better. Continue to do what you strive to do, but don't resort to what people have done to you- stealing. Actually be YOU. No one wants to see someone else's stuff, people want new and different. Actually accept that you may not get as much attention as the next and that's ok.
The first time I read that quote I felt goosebumps form across my skin. It inspired me to continue doing what I love and to not let anyone take anything away from me. It may seem like the frustration of someone copying you is so preventable, and why wouldn't you take the easy way out, but the "easy way out" ends up stealing your happiness more than the person who steals your work does. Your art is part of you. You yourself are a piece of art, so color your world. Express yourself and what makes you, you. Eventually those people who copy you will let go, because it's not about them anymore.
These are things that I am trying to remember on the daily. It is so easy to get angry, shut down, and blame yourself, but the truth is that your happiness is what matters. The people stealing your ideas aren't truly happy. Do what makes you happy, and inspire others to follow that path on their own.
Keep growing little sprout, you can only go up from here.
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