Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day Nails!

Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and normally I really don't get into the hype. This year I thought it would be nice to paint my nails and add a little Valentine's day sparkle to it, just because!

Please excuse the horribly dry cuticles! My hands hate this weather!
If you'd like to recreate this look, then here is what you'll need! 

I used Essie's Fiji (one of their very popular colors!) for all of my nails except for the ring finger. Sometimes I steer away from this color because it can wash me out, however this time I feel like it actually looks decent!

I did not take pictures of the base and top coat that I used, but I definitely recommend using them to achieve a longer lasting manicure! I used the Formula X base coat, and the China Glaze No chip top coat.

I applied 2 coats of Fiji to even out the finish, because sometimes this color can be streaky:

Essie Fiji

On my ring finger I applied one coat of Essie's Pop Art Pink and let dry:

Essie Pop Art Pink
The reason why I used Pop Art Pink instead of Fiji on my ring finger is because I wanted the glitter to be the main focus and have more of a "jelly" appearance since Fiji is a definite cream finish.

 I then applied top coat to the ring finger (carefully) and sprinkled some fine glitter on that nail only. You can use any glitter of your choice, but I felt like this glitter was perfect! This glitter was purchased from Michael's, but you can buy yours at any craft store.

I continued to pat the glitter down and add more as needed. I used a different top coat that I didn't care about as much to seal in the glitter. I used the China Glaze top coat on the rest of my fingers and then I was finished!

What do you guys think? I like it because it is subtle enough but adds a flare :)

Now remember that if you are alone on Valentine's Day that it is ok! Valentine's Day is about loving EVERYONE, so spend it with your Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Grandma, Grandpa, Cousins, your cat! Anyone who is important to you! And also don't forget to love yourself... go out and buy yourself some flowers and chocolate and enjoy your day :)

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

P.S. Here are 2 of my little critters wishing you a happy Valentine's Day wherever you may be! Remember to stop and smell the flowers :)


  1. Such a gorgeous shade! Lovely blog x

  2. so cute ! but especially the kitty and hedgehog :)

    what s their names?

    by the way you have a new follower ! :)

    1. Thank you so much to all! My hedgehog's name is Isabelle, and the kitty... well we weren't very creative. Her name is Bitty because she is so small!
      Thank you so much for the follow!! :)
